Gründer der Woche bei StartingUp
…“Wie er dieses besondere Holz für sich entdeckt hat und was Paul daraus fertigt, erfahrt ihr im Interview.“
Paul Helmeth, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der KIRIMANUFAKTUR
ambista – the interior design business network
Start-up check: Paul Helmeth, founder of KIRIMANUFAKTUR, explains the advantages of Kiri wood (weight, growing speed and CO2 binding) for his Kiribricks room dividers. And did you ever heard of a pilot who is doing in wood? Read the story here:
A real unique story Paul, thanks for sharing.
ambista – the interior design business network
"Start-up check: Paul Helmeth, founder of KIRIMANUFAKTUR, explains the advantages of Kiri wood (weight, growing speed and CO2 binding) for his Kiribricks room dividers. And did you ever heard of a pilot who is doing in wood? Read the story here:
A real unique story Paul, thanks for sharing."
ambista – the interior design business network
Paul Helmeth im Interview mit ambista - dem Magazin der Messe Köln. Erfahren Sie mehr über den modularen Raumteiler aus Holz.